Title: “Lincolniae Notinhamiaeq. Comitatuu nova vera et accurata descriptio. Anno Domini 1576.”
Map Maker: Christopher Saxton
Date : 1576
Size : 41.5 x 52cm
Condition : Original colouring with peripheral watermarks (“bunch of grapes”) in the middle of right half. Minor printer’s crease up the right-hand half and narrow but complete margins. 15 x 9mm loss on lower centrefold and there are brittle areas due to Verdigris however the whole map has been restored by a professional paper conservation specialist, who removed the guard and old repairs, washed it, and backed the whole with japan paper [advising that - although the map is now strong - it should be flat-packed for transport].
Title: “Lincolniae Notinhamiaeq. Comitatuu nova vera et accurata descriptio. Anno Domini 1576.”
Map Maker: Christopher Saxton
Date : 1576
Size : 41.5 x 52cm
Condition : Original colouring with peripheral watermarks (“bunch of grapes”) in the middle of right half. Minor printer’s crease up the right-hand half and narrow but complete margins. 15 x 9mm loss on lower centrefold and there are brittle areas due to Verdigris however the whole map has been restored by a professional paper conservation specialist, who removed the guard and old repairs, washed it, and backed the whole with japan paper [advising that - although the map is now strong - it should be flat-packed for transport].
Title: “Lincolniae Notinhamiaeq. Comitatuu nova vera et accurata descriptio. Anno Domini 1576.”
Map Maker: Christopher Saxton
Date : 1576
Size : 41.5 x 52cm
Condition : Original colouring with peripheral watermarks (“bunch of grapes”) in the middle of right half. Minor printer’s crease up the right-hand half and narrow but complete margins. 15 x 9mm loss on lower centrefold and there are brittle areas due to Verdigris however the whole map has been restored by a professional paper conservation specialist, who removed the guard and old repairs, washed it, and backed the whole with japan paper [advising that - although the map is now strong - it should be flat-packed for transport].