
Title: “Britannia Prout Divisa Suit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum Heptarchia”

Map Maker: Jan Jansson

Date : 1646

Size : 17in. x 21in

Condition : The map has been mounted and pasted down but appears to be in fine condition.

If you would like more details and images etc please get in touch and we can get them to you.

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Title: “Britannia Prout Divisa Suit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum Heptarchia”

Map Maker: Jan Jansson

Date : 1646

Size : 17in. x 21in

Condition : The map has been mounted and pasted down but appears to be in fine condition.

If you would like more details and images etc please get in touch and we can get them to you.

Title: “Britannia Prout Divisa Suit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum Heptarchia”

Map Maker: Jan Jansson

Date : 1646

Size : 17in. x 21in

Condition : The map has been mounted and pasted down but appears to be in fine condition.

If you would like more details and images etc please get in touch and we can get them to you.